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fastSort, faster is better!

March 12, 2012

Today, Jackson Dunstan posted about how to use a profiler to get better performance in flash.
For this post he decided to show how to use TheMiner… awesome!

In this post he’s profiling two sorting method: native vector. sort, and Skyboy’s fastSort code.

At first I was impressed by the result of Skyboy. Then I realized two things.
First, The flash native sort REALY don’t like Number.infinity, negative infinity.
So when sorting and vector. with these values inside, it’s getting a LOT slower.
Where a standard vector could take 100ms to sort, one with infinity values in it can take up to 2000ms!!

The other thing is fastSort is using void (*) pointer everywhere.
So if we go back a few day to my previous (epic) article , we know that this is a really bad thing when casting from void to Number.
It’s allocating a LOT of memory. (5Mo/Sort on 50K elements)

So I decided to add a few hundreds lines to this class with already a lot of it (fastSort)
I added a specific sorting method for int, uint and Number to manage only typed values.

The reslut is quite amazing!

Native Vector Sort : 100 ms + 400Ko allocation
UnOptimized fastSort : 400 ms + 5Mo allocation
New Optimized fastSort : 20ms + zero allocation

Finaly, just before giving you the code, I want to invite you on a new little forum that focus on Performances, optimization, debugging and multiple other flash hardcore subjects.
Many of the most hardcore dev and blogger I know are already in or are going to join soon, so please be part of this and enjoy posting refreshing and brain teasing content!
The Hardcore flash forum

And now.. the way too many lines of code part:

package skyboy.utils {
	 * Skyboy sort updated by Sociodox ( )
	 * fastSort, using typed native Number, int and uint
	 * Huge performance gain for all 3 type (2000%)
	 * Using Array.sort : 2000ms
	 * Using original fastSort : 400ms
	 * Using this typed fastSort : 20ms
	 * 2012/03/12
	 * fastSort by skyboy. February 26th 2011.
	 * Visit for documentation, updates
	 * and more free code.
	 * Copyright (c) 2010, skyboy
	 *    All rights reserved.
	 * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
	 * obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
	 * files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software with
	 * restriction, with limitation the rights to use, copy, modify,
	 * merge, publish, distribute, sublicense copies of the Software,
	 * and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
	 * subject to the following conditions and limitations:
	 * ^ Attribution will be given to:
	 *  	skyboy,;
	 * ^ Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
	 * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in all copies or
	 * substantial portions of the Software.
	 * ^ Redistributions of modified source code must be marked as such, with
	 * the modifications marked and ducumented and the modifer's name clearly
	 * listed as having modified the source code.
	 * ^ Redistributions of source code may not add to, subtract from, or in
	 * any other way modify the above copyright notice, this list of conditions,
	 * or the following disclaimer for any reason.
	 * ^ Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
	 * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
	 * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.

	 * ...
	 * @author skyboy
	 * fastSort(*, uint);
	 * fastSort(*, String, uint);
	 * fastSort(vectorRef, "z", Array.NUMERIC);
	 * @param	*: input	The object to be sorted. Either an Array, Vector, or any Object (or subclass of) that has a length property and numeric indicies
	 * @param	*:	The second parameter can either be options (pass in the same you would for Array's sort method) or a String to trigger sortOn functionality, the third should then be the options.
	public function fastSort(input:*, {
		if (!input || !("length" in input) || !(input.length is int)) return;
		sortVec.length = 0;
		sortVec.length = input.length as uint;

		if (rest[0] is String) {
			if (!(rest[1] is Number)) rest[1] = 0;
			if (input is Array) {
				sortOnArray(input, rest[0], rest[1]);
			} else if (input is Vector.<Number>) {
				sortVecNumber.length = 0;
				sortVecNumber.length = input.length as uint;				
				sortOnVectorNumber(input, rest[0], rest[1]);
			} else if (input is Vector.<int>) {
				sortVecInt.length = 0;
				sortVecInt.length = input.length as uint;				
				sortOnVectorInt(input, rest[0], rest[1]);			
			} else if (input is Vector.<uint>) {
				sortVecUint.length = 0;
				sortVecUint.length = input.length as uint;				
				sortOnVectorUint(input, rest[0], rest[1]);					
			} else if (input is Vector.<*>) {
				sortOn(input, rest[0], rest[1]);
			} else {
				sortOnObject(input, rest[0], rest[1]);
		} else {
			if (!(rest[0] is Number)) rest[0] = 0;
			if (input is Array) {
				sortArray(input, rest[0]);
			} else if (input is Vector.<Number> ) {
				sortVecNumber.length = 0;
				sortVecNumber.length = input.length as uint;	
				sortVectorNumber(input, rest[0]);
			} else if (input is Vector.<int> ) {
				sortVecInt.length = 0;
				sortVecInt.length = input.length as uint;	
				sortVectorInt(input, rest[0]);	
			} else if (input is Vector.<uint> ) {
				sortVecUint.length = 0;
				sortVecUint.length = input.length as uint;	
				sortVectorUint(input, rest[0]);					
			} else if (input is Vector.<*>) {
				sort(input, rest[0]);
			} else {
				sortObject(input, rest[0]);
internal const NUMERIC:uint = Array.NUMERIC;
internal const DESCENDING:uint = Array.DESCENDING;
internal const sortVec:Vector.<*> = new Vector.<*>(0xFFFF); // reserve a large amount of space in memory for growth when sorting.
internal const sortVecNumber:Vector.<Number> = new Vector.<Number>(0); // reserve a large amount of space in memory for growth when sorting.
internal const sortVecInt:Vector.<int> = new Vector.<int>(0); // reserve a large amount of space in memory for growth when sorting.
internal const sortVecUint:Vector.<uint> = new Vector.<uint>(0); // reserve a large amount of space in memory for growth when sorting.

internal function quickSort(input:Vector.<*>, left:uint, right:uint, d:uint):void {
	if (right >= input.length) right = input.length - 1;
	if (left >= right) return;
	var j:uint = right, i:uint = left;
	var size:uint = right - left;
	var pivotPoint:* = input[(right + left) >>> 1], t:*;
	do {
		if (size < 9) {
			pivotPoint = input[left];
			do {
				do {
					if (input[left] < pivotPoint) {
						pivotPoint = input[left];
						do { // this section can be improved.
							input[left--] = input[left];
						} while (left > i && pivotPoint < input[left]);
						input[left] = pivotPoint;
				} while (left < right);
				left = i;
				pivotPoint = input[left];
			} while (i < right);
		while (left < right) {
			if (input[right] > pivotPoint) do { --right; } while (input[right] > pivotPoint);
			if (input[left] < pivotPoint) do { ++left; } while (input[left] < pivotPoint);
			if (left < right) {
				t = input[left];
				input[left] = input[right];
				input[right] = t;
				++left, --right;
		if (right) {
			if (left == right) {
				if (input[left] < pivotPoint) ++left;
				else if (input[right] > pivotPoint) --right;
			if (i < right) {
				quickSort(input, i, right, d + 1);
		} else if (!left) left = 1;
		if (j <= left) return;
		i = left;
		right = j;
		pivotPoint = input[(right + left) >>> 1];
		size = right - left;
	} while (true);
internal function quickSortOn(input:Vector.<*>, sInput:Vector.<*>, left:uint, right:uint, d:uint):void {
	var j:uint = right >= input.length ? right = input.length - 1 : right;
	if (left >= right) return;
	var i:uint = left;
	var size:uint = right - left;
	var pivotPoint:* = input[(right + left) >>> 1], t:*;
	do {
		if (size < 9) {
			do {
				pivotPoint = input[left];
				do {
					if (pivotPoint > input[left]) {
						pivotPoint = input[left];
						t = sInput[left];
						do {
							input[left] = input[left - 1];
							sInput[left] = sInput[--left];
						} while (left > i && pivotPoint < input[left]);
						input[left] = pivotPoint;
						sInput[left] = t;
				} while (left < right);
				left = i;
			} while (i < right);
		while (left < right) {
			if (input[right] > pivotPoint) do {
			} while (input[right] > pivotPoint);
			if (input[left] < pivotPoint) do {
			} while (input[left] < pivotPoint);
			if (left < right) {
				t = input[left];
				input[left] = input[right];
				input[right] = t;
				t = sInput[left];
				sInput[left] = sInput[right];
				sInput[right] = t;
				++left, --right;
		if (right) {
			if (left == right) {
				if (input[right] > pivotPoint) --right;
				else if (input[left] < pivotPoint) ++left;
				else ++left, --right;
			if (i < right) {
				quickSortOn(input, sInput, i, right, d + 1);
		} else if (!left) left = 1;
		if (j <= left) return;
		i = left;
		right = j;
		pivotPoint = input[(right + left) >>> 1];
		size = right - left;
	} while (true);
internal function quickSortArray(input:Array, left:uint, right:uint, d:uint):void {
	if (right >= input.length) right = input.length - 1;
	if (left >= right) return;
	var j:uint = right, i:uint = left;
	var size:uint = right - left;
	var pivotPoint:* = input[(right + left) >>> 1], t:*;
	do {
		if (size < 9) {
			pivotPoint = input[left];
			do {
				do {
					if (input[left] < pivotPoint) {
						pivotPoint = input[left];
						do { // this section can be improved.
							input[left--] = input[left];
						} while (left > i && pivotPoint < input[left]);
						input[left] = pivotPoint;
				} while (left < right);
				left = i;
				pivotPoint = input[left];
			} while (i < right);
		while (left < right) {
			if (input[right] > pivotPoint) do { --right; } while (input[right] > pivotPoint);
			if (input[left] < pivotPoint) do { ++left; } while (input[left] < pivotPoint);
			if (left < right) {
				t = input[left];
				input[left] = input[right];
				input[right] = t;
				++left, --right;
		if (right) {
			if (left == right) {
				if (input[left] < pivotPoint) ++left;
				else if (input[right] > pivotPoint) --right;
			if (i < right) {
				quickSortArray(input, i, right, d + 1);
		} else if (!left) left = 1;
		if (j <= left) return;
		i = left;
		right = j;
		pivotPoint = input[(right + left) >>> 1];
		size = right - left;
	} while (true);
internal function quickSortOnArray(input:Vector.<*>, sInput:Array, left:uint, right:uint, d:uint):void {
	var j:uint = right >= input.length ? right = input.length - 1 : right;
	if (left >= right) return;
	var i:uint = left;
	var size:uint = right - left;
	var pivotPoint:* = input[(right + left) >>> 1], t:*;
	do {
		if (size < 9) {
			do {
				pivotPoint = input[left];
				do {
					if (pivotPoint > input[left]) {
						pivotPoint = input[left];
						t = sInput[left];
						do {
							input[left] = input[left - 1];
							sInput[left] = sInput[--left];
						} while (left > i && pivotPoint < input[left]);
						input[left] = pivotPoint;
						sInput[left] = t;
				} while (left < right);
				left = i;
			} while (i < right);
		while (left < right) {
			if (input[right] > pivotPoint) do {
			} while (input[right] > pivotPoint);
			if (input[left] < pivotPoint) do {
			} while (input[left] < pivotPoint);
			if (left < right) {
				t = input[left];
				input[left] = input[right];
				input[right] = t;
				t = sInput[left];
				sInput[left] = sInput[right];
				sInput[right] = t;
				++left, --right;
		if (right) {
			if (left == right) {
				if (input[right] > pivotPoint) --right;
				else if (input[left] < pivotPoint) ++left;
				else ++left, --right;
			if (i < right) {
				quickSortOnArray(input, sInput, i, right, d + 1);
		} else if (!left) left = 1;
		if (j <= left) return;
		i = left;
		right = j;
		pivotPoint = input[(right + left) >>> 1];
		size = right - left;
	} while (true);
internal function quickSortObject(input:*, left:uint, right:uint, d:uint):void {
	if (right >= input.length) right = input.length - 1;
	if (left >= right) return;
	var j:uint = right, i:uint = left;
	var size:uint = right - left;
	var pivotPoint:* = input[(right + left) >>> 1], t:*;
	do {
		if (size < 9) {
			pivotPoint = input[left];
			do {
				do {
					if (input[left] < pivotPoint) {
						pivotPoint = input[left];
						do { // this section can be improved.
							input[left--] = input[left];
						} while (left > i && pivotPoint < input[left]);
						input[left] = pivotPoint;
				} while (left < right);
				left = i;
				pivotPoint = input[left];
			} while (i < right);
		while (left < right) {
			if (input[right] > pivotPoint) do { --right; } while (input[right] > pivotPoint);
			if (input[left] < pivotPoint) do { ++left; } while (input[left] < pivotPoint);
			if (left < right) {
				t = input[left];
				input[left] = input[right];
				input[right] = t;
				++left, --right;
		if (right) {
			if (left == right) {
				if (input[left] < pivotPoint) ++left;
				else if (input[right] > pivotPoint) --right;
			if (i < right) {
				quickSortObject(input, i, right, d + 1);
		} else if (!left) left = 1;
		if (j <= left) return;
		i = left;
		right = j;
		pivotPoint = input[(right + left) >>> 1];
		size = right - left;
	} while (true);
internal function quickSortOnObject(input:Vector.<*>, sInput:*, left:uint, right:uint, d:uint):void {
	var j:uint = right >= input.length ? right = input.length - 1 : right;
	if (left >= right) return;
	var i:uint = left;
	var size:uint = right - left;
	var pivotPoint:* = input[(right + left) >>> 1], t:*;
	do {
		if (size < 9) {
			do {
				pivotPoint = input[left];
				do {
					if (pivotPoint > input[left]) {
						pivotPoint = input[left];
						t = sInput[left];
						do {
							input[left] = input[left - 1];
							sInput[left] = sInput[--left];
						} while (left > i && pivotPoint < input[left]);
						input[left] = pivotPoint;
						sInput[left] = t;
				} while (left < right);
				left = i;
			} while (i < right);
		while (left < right) {
			if (input[right] > pivotPoint) do {
			} while (input[right] > pivotPoint);
			if (input[left] < pivotPoint) do {
			} while (input[left] < pivotPoint);
			if (left < right) {
				t = input[left];
				input[left] = input[right];
				input[right] = t;
				t = sInput[left];
				sInput[left] = sInput[right];
				sInput[right] = t;
				++left, --right;
		if (right) {
			if (left == right) {
				if (input[right] > pivotPoint) --right;
				else if (input[left] < pivotPoint) ++left;
				else ++left, --right;
			if (i < right) {
				quickSortOnObject(input, sInput, i, right, d + 1);
		} else if (!left) left = 1;
		if (j <= left) return;
		i = left;
		right = j;
		pivotPoint = input[(right + left) >>> 1];
		size = right - left;
	} while (true);
internal function sort(input:Vector.<*>, options:uint):void {
	var n:uint = input.length;
	if (n < 2) return;
	var q:uint, left:uint, right:uint = n;
	var t:*;
	while (q != right) {
		t = input[q];
		if (t === undefined) {
			input[q] = input[right];
			input[right] = undefined;
		} else if (t === null) {
			input[q] = input[left];
			input[left] = null;
		} else ++q;
	if (right > left) {
		q = left;
		while (q < right) {
			t = input[q];
			if (t != t) {
				input[q] = input[right];
				input[right] = NaN;
			} else ++q;
		if (--right) {
			if (uint(right - 1) > left) {
				if (options == NUMERIC) {
					quickSort(input, left, right, 0);
				} else {
					var tempVec:Vector.<*> = sortVec;
					q = right;
					if (!(options & NUMERIC)) if (options & CASEINSENSITIVE) {
						tempVec[q] = String(input[q]).toLowerCase();
						while (q-- > left) tempVec[q] = String(input[q]).toLowerCase();
					} else {
						tempVec[q] = String(input[q]);
						while (q-- > left) tempVec[q] = String(input[q]);
					quickSortOn(tempVec, input, left, right, 0);
	if (options & DESCENDING) {
		var i:uint = 0;
		while (n < i) {
			t = input[i];
			input[i++] = input[--n];
			input[n] = t;
internal function sortOn(input:Vector.<*>, name:String, options:uint):void {
	var n:uint = input.length;
	if (n < 2) return;
	var tempVec:Vector.<*> = sortVec, i:uint = n, t:*, j:uint = i;
	var left:uint, right:uint = i;
	while (j--) {
		t = input[j];
		t = name in t ? t[name] : t;
		if (t === null) {
			t = input[j];
			input[j] = input[left];
			input[left] = t;
			tempVec[left++] = null;
		} else if (t === undefined) {
			if (--i != --right) {
				tempVec[i] = tempVec[right];
				tempVec[right] = undefined;
				t = input[right];
				input[right] = input[j];
				input[j] = t;
		} else tempVec[--i] = t;
		if (j == left) break;
	if (right > left) {
		j = right;
		while (--j > left) {
			t = tempVec[j];
			if (t != t) {
				if (j != --right) {
					tempVec[j] = tempVec[right];
					tempVec[right] = NaN;
					t = input[right];
					input[right] = input[j];
					input[j] = t;
		if (--right) {
			if (uint(right - 1) > left) {
				if (!(options & NUMERIC)) {
					i = right;
					if (options & CASEINSENSITIVE) {
						tempVec[i] = String(tempVec[i]).toUpperCase();
						while (i-- > left) tempVec[i] = String(tempVec[i]).toUpperCase();
					} else {
						tempVec[i] = String(tempVec[i]);
						while (i-- > left) tempVec[i] = String(tempVec[i]);
				quickSortOn(tempVec, input, left, right, 0);
	if (options & DESCENDING) {
		i = 0;
		while (n != i) {
			t = input[i];
			input[i++] = input[--n];
			input[n] = t;
internal function sortArray(input:Array, options:uint):void {
	var n:uint = input.length;
	if (n < 2) return;
	var q:uint, left:uint, right:uint = n;
	var t:*;
	while (q != right) {
		t = input[q];
		if (t === undefined) {
			input[q] = input[right];
			input[right] = undefined;
		} else if (t === null) {
			input[q] = input[left];
			input[left] = null;
		} else ++q;
	if (right > left) {
		q = left;
		while (q < right) {
			t = input[q];
			if (t != t) {
				input[q] = input[right];
				input[right] = NaN;
			} else ++q;
		if (--right) {
			if (uint(right - 1) > left) {
				if (options == NUMERIC) {
					quickSortArray(input, left, right, 0);
				} else {
					var tempVec:Vector.<*> = sortVec;
					q = right;
					if (!(options & NUMERIC)) if (options & CASEINSENSITIVE) {
						tempVec[q] = String(input[q]).toLowerCase();
						while (q-- > left) tempVec[q] = String(input[q]).toLowerCase();
					} else {
						tempVec[q] = String(input[q]);
						while (q-- > left) tempVec[q] = String(input[q]);
					quickSortOnArray(tempVec, input, left, right, 0);
	if (options & DESCENDING) {
		var i:uint = 0;
		while (n < i) {
			t = input[i];
			input[i++] = input[--n];
			input[n] = t;
internal function sortOnArray(input:Array, name:String, options:uint):void {
	var n:uint = input.length;
	if (n < 2) return;
	var tempVec:Vector.<*> = sortVec, i:uint = n, t:*, j:uint = i;
	var left:uint, right:uint = i;
	while (j--) {
		t = input[j];
		t = name in t ? t[name] : t;
		if (t === null) {
			t = input[j];
			input[j] = input[left];
			input[left] = t;
			tempVec[left++] = null;
		} else if (t === undefined) {
			if (--i != --right) {
				tempVec[i] = tempVec[right];
				tempVec[right] = undefined;
				t = input[right];
				input[right] = input[j];
				input[j] = t;
		} else tempVec[--i] = t;
		if (j == left) break;
	if (right > left) {
		j = right;
		while (--j > left) {
			t = tempVec[j];
			if (t != t) {
				if (j != --right) {
					tempVec[j] = tempVec[right];
					tempVec[right] = NaN;
					t = input[right];
					input[right] = input[j];
					input[j] = t;
		if (--right) {
			if (uint(right - 1) > left) {
				if (!(options & NUMERIC)) {
					i = right;
					if (options & CASEINSENSITIVE) {
						tempVec[i] = String(tempVec[i]).toUpperCase();
						while (i-- > left) tempVec[i] = String(tempVec[i]).toUpperCase();
					} else {
						tempVec[i] = String(tempVec[i]);
						while (i-- > left) tempVec[i] = String(tempVec[i]);
				quickSortOnArray(tempVec, input, left, right, 0);
	if (options & DESCENDING) {
		i = 0;
		while (n < i) {
			t = input[i];
			input[i++] = input[--n];
			input[n] = t;
internal function sortObject(input:*, options:uint):void {
	var n:uint = input.length;
	if (n < 2) return;
	var q:uint, left:uint, right:uint = n;
	var t:*;
	while (q != right) {
		t = input[q];
		if (t === undefined) {
			input[q] = input[right];
			input[right] = undefined;
		} else if (t === null) {
			input[q] = input[left];
			input[left] = null;
		} else ++q;
	if (right > left) {
		q = left;
		while (q < right) {
			t = input[q];
			if (t != t) {
				input[q] = input[right];
				input[right] = NaN;
			} else ++q;
		if (--right) {
			if (uint(right - 1) > left) {
				if (options == NUMERIC) {
					quickSortObject(input, left, right, 0);
				} else {
					var tempVec:Vector.<*> = sortVec;
					q = right;
					if (!(options & NUMERIC)) if (options & CASEINSENSITIVE) {
						tempVec[q] = String(input[q]).toLowerCase();
						while (q-- > left) tempVec[q] = String(input[q]).toLowerCase();
					} else {
						tempVec[q] = String(input[q]);
						while (q-- > left) tempVec[q] = String(input[q]);
					quickSortOnObject(tempVec, input, left, right, 0);
	if (options & DESCENDING) {
		var i:uint = 0;
		while (n < i) {
			t = input[i];
			input[i++] = input[--n];
			input[n] = t;
internal function sortOnObject(input:*, name:String, options:uint):void {
	var n:uint = input.length;
	if (n < 2) return;
	var tempVec:Vector.<*> = sortVec, i:uint = n, t:*, j:uint = i;
	var left:uint, right:uint = i;
	while (j--) {
		t = input[j];
		t = name in t ? t[name] : t;
		if (t === null) {
			t = input[j];
			input[j] = input[left];
			input[left] = t;
			tempVec[left++] = null;
		} else if (t === undefined) {
			if (--i != --right) {
				tempVec[i] = tempVec[right];
				tempVec[right] = undefined;
				t = input[right];
				input[right] = input[j];
				input[j] = t;
		} else tempVec[--i] = t;
		if (j == left) break;
	if (right > left) {
		j = right;
		while (--j > left) {
			t = tempVec[j];
			if (t != t) {
				if (j != --right) {
					tempVec[j] = tempVec[right];
					tempVec[right] = NaN;
					t = input[right];
					input[right] = input[j];
					input[j] = t;
		if (--right) {
			if (uint(right - 1) > left) {
				if (!(options & NUMERIC)) {
					i = right;
					if (options & CASEINSENSITIVE) {
						tempVec[i] = String(tempVec[i]).toUpperCase();
						while (i-- > left) tempVec[i] = String(tempVec[i]).toUpperCase();
					} else {
						tempVec[i] = String(tempVec[i]);
						while (i-- > left) tempVec[i] = String(tempVec[i]);
				quickSortOnObject(tempVec, input, left, right, 0);
	if (options & DESCENDING) {
		i = 0;
		while (n < i) {
			t = input[i];
			input[i++] = input[--n];
			input[n] = t;
internal function quickSortVectorNumber(input:Vector.<Number>, left:int, right:int, d:int):void {
	if (right >= input.length) right = input.length - 1;
	if (left >= right) return;
	var j:int = right, i:int = left;
	var size:int = right - left;
	var pivotPoint:Number = input[int((right + left) >>> 1)], t:Number;
	do {
		if (size < 9) {
			pivotPoint = input[int(left)];
			do {
				do {
					if (input[int(left)] < pivotPoint) {
						pivotPoint = input[int(left)];
						do { // this section can be improved.
							input[int(left--)] = input[int(left)];
						} while (left > i && pivotPoint < input[int(left)]);
						input[int(left)] = pivotPoint;
				} while (left < right);
				left = i;
				pivotPoint = input[int(left)];
			} while (i < right);
		while (left < right) {
			if (input[int(right)] > pivotPoint) do { --right; } while (input[int(right)] > pivotPoint);
			if (input[int(left)] < pivotPoint) do { ++left; } while (input[int(left)] < pivotPoint);
			if (left < right) {
				t = input[int(left)];
				input[int(left)] = input[int(right)];
				input[int(right)] = t;
				++left, --right;
		if (right) {
			if (left == right) {
				if (input[int(left)] < pivotPoint) ++left;
				else if (input[int(right)] > pivotPoint) --right;
			if (i < right) {
				quickSortVectorNumber(input, i, right, d + 1);
		} else if (!left) left = 1;
		if (j <= left) return;
		i = left;
		right = j;
		pivotPoint = input[int((right + left) >>> 1)];
		size = right - left;
	} while (true);
internal function quickSortOnVectorNumber(input:Vector.<Number>, sInput:Vector.<Number>, left:int, right:int, d:int):void {
	var j:int = 0;
	if (right >= input.length)
		j = right = input.length - 1;

	if (left >= right) return;
	var i:int = left;
	var size:int = right - left;
	var pivotPoint:Number = input[int((right + left) >>> 1)], t:Number;
	do {
		if (size < 9) {
			do {
				pivotPoint = input[int(left)];
				do {
					if (pivotPoint > input[int(left)]) {
						pivotPoint = input[int(left)];
						t = sInput[int(left)];
						do {
							input[int(left)] = input[int(left - 1)];
							sInput[int(left)] = sInput[int(--left)];
						} while (left > i && pivotPoint < input[int(left)]);
						input[int(left)] = pivotPoint;
						sInput[int(left)] = t;
				} while (left < right);
				left = i;
			} while (i < right);
		while (left < right) {
			if (input[int(right)] > pivotPoint) do {
			} while (input[int(right)] > pivotPoint);
			if (input[int(left)] < pivotPoint) do {
			} while (input[int(left)] < pivotPoint);
			if (left < right) {
				t = input[int(left)];
				input[int(left)] = input[int(right)];
				input[int(right)] = t;
				t = sInput[int(left)];
				sInput[int(left)] = sInput[int(right)];
				sInput[int(right)] = t;
				++left, --right;
		if (right) {
			if (left == right) {
				if (input[int(right)] > pivotPoint) --right;
				else if (input[int(left)] < pivotPoint) ++left;
				else ++left, --right;
			if (i < right) {
				quickSortOnVectorNumber(input, sInput, i, right, d + 1);
		} else if (!left) left = 1;
		if (j <= left) return;
		i = left;
		right = j;
		pivotPoint = input[int((right + left) >>> 1)];
		size = right - left;
	} while (true);
internal function sortVectorNumber(input:Vector.<Number>, options:int):void {
	var n:int = input.length;
	if (n < 2) return;
	var q:int, left:int, right:int = n;
	var t:Number;
	q = right;

	if (right > left) {
		q = left;
		while (q < right) {
			t = input[int(q)];
			if (t != t) {
				input[int(q)] = input[int(right)];
				input[int(right)] = NaN;
			} else ++q;
		if (--right) {
			if (int(right - 1) > left) {
				quickSortVectorNumber(input, left, right, 0);
	if (options & Array.DESCENDING) {
		var i:int = 0;
		while (n < i) {
			t = input[int(i)];
			input[int(i++)] = input[int(--n)];
			input[int(n)] = t;
internal function sortOnVectorNumber(input:Vector.<Number>, name:String, options:int):void {
		var n:int = input.length;
		if (n < 2) return;
		var tempVec:Vector.<Number> = sortVecNumber, i:int = n, t:Number, j:int = i;
		var left:int, right:int = i;
		while (j--) {
			t = input[int(j)];
			t = name in t ? t[name] : t;
			tempVec[int(--i)] = t;
			if (j == left) break;
		if (right > left) {
			j = right;
			while (--j > left) {
				t = tempVec[int(j)];
				if (t != t) {
					if (j != --right) {
						tempVec[int(j)] = tempVec[int(right)];
						tempVec[int(right)] = NaN;
						t = input[int(right)];
						input[int(right)] = input[int(j)];
						input[int(j)] = t;
			if (--right) {
				if (int(right - 1) > left) {
					quickSortOnVectorNumber(tempVec, input, left, right, 0);
		if (options & Array.DESCENDING) {
			i = 0;
			while (n != i) {
				t = input[int(i)];
				input[int(i++)] = input[int(--n)];
				input[int(n)] = t;

internal function quickSortVectorInt(input:Vector.<int>, left:int, right:int, d:int):void {
	if (right >= input.length) right = input.length - 1;
	if (left >= right) return;
	var j:int = right, i:int = left;
	var size:int = right - left;
	var pivotPoint:int = input[int((right + left) >>> 1)], t:int;
	do {
		if (size < 9) {
			pivotPoint = input[int(left)];
			do {
				do {
					if (input[int(left)] < pivotPoint) {
						pivotPoint = input[int(left)];
						do { // this section can be improved.
							input[int(left--)] = input[int(left)];
						} while (left > i && pivotPoint < input[int(left)]);
						input[int(left)] = pivotPoint;
				} while (left < right);
				left = i;
				pivotPoint = input[int(left)];
			} while (i < right);
		while (left < right) {
			if (input[int(right)] > pivotPoint) do { --right; } while (input[int(right)] > pivotPoint);
			if (input[int(left)] < pivotPoint) do { ++left; } while (input[int(left)] < pivotPoint);
			if (left < right) {
				t = input[int(left)];
				input[int(left)] = input[int(right)];
				input[int(right)] = t;
				++left, --right;
		if (right) {
			if (left == right) {
				if (input[int(left)] < pivotPoint) ++left;
				else if (input[int(right)] > pivotPoint) --right;
			if (i < right) {
				quickSortVectorInt(input, i, right, d + 1);
		} else if (!left) left = 1;
		if (j <= left) return;
		i = left;
		right = j;
		pivotPoint = input[int((right + left) >>> 1)];
		size = right - left;
	} while (true);
internal function quickSortOnVectorInt(input:Vector.<int>, sInput:Vector.<int>, left:int, right:int, d:int):void {
	var j:int = 0;
	if (right >= input.length)
		j = right = input.length - 1;

	if (left >= right) return;
	var i:int = left;
	var size:int = right - left;
	var pivotPoint:int = input[int((right + left) >>> 1)], t:int;
	do {
		if (size < 9) {
			do {
				pivotPoint = input[int(left)];
				do {
					if (pivotPoint > input[int(left)]) {
						pivotPoint = input[int(left)];
						t = sInput[int(left)];
						do {
							input[int(left)] = input[int(left - 1)];
							sInput[int(left)] = sInput[int(--left)];
						} while (left > i && pivotPoint < input[int(left)]);
						input[int(left)] = pivotPoint;
						sInput[int(left)] = t;
				} while (left < right);
				left = i;
			} while (i < right);
		while (left < right) {
			if (input[int(right)] > pivotPoint) do {
			} while (input[int(right)] > pivotPoint);
			if (input[int(left)] < pivotPoint) do {
			} while (input[int(left)] < pivotPoint);
			if (left < right) {
				t = input[int(left)];
				input[int(left)] = input[int(right)];
				input[int(right)] = t;
				t = sInput[int(left)];
				sInput[int(left)] = sInput[int(right)];
				sInput[int(right)] = t;
				++left, --right;
		if (right) {
			if (left == right) {
				if (input[int(right)] > pivotPoint) --right;
				else if (input[int(left)] < pivotPoint) ++left;
				else ++left, --right;
			if (i < right) {
				quickSortOnVectorInt(input, sInput, i, right, d + 1);
		} else if (!left) left = 1;
		if (j <= left) return;
		i = left;
		right = j;
		pivotPoint = input[int((right + left) >>> 1)];
		size = right - left;
	} while (true);
internal function sortVectorInt(input:Vector.<int>, options:int):void {
	var n:int = input.length;
	if (n < 2) return;
	var q:int, left:int, right:int = n;
	var t:int;
	q = right;

	if (right > left) {
		q = left;
		while (q < right) {
			t = input[int(q)];
			if (t != t) {
				input[int(q)] = input[int(right)];
				input[int(right)] = NaN;
			} else ++q;
		if (--right) {
			if (int(right - 1) > left) {
				quickSortVectorInt(input, left, right, 0);
	if (options & Array.DESCENDING) {
		var i:int = 0;
		while (n < i) {
			t = input[int(i)];
			input[int(i++)] = input[int(--n)];
			input[int(n)] = t;
internal function sortOnVectorInt(input:Vector.<int>, name:String, options:int):void {
		var n:int = input.length;
		if (n < 2) return;
		var tempVec:Vector.<int> = sortVecInt, i:int = n, t:int, j:int = i;
		var left:int, right:int = i;
		while (j--) {
			t = input[int(j)];
			t = name in t ? t[name] : t;
			tempVec[int(--i)] = t;
			if (j == left) break;
		if (right > left) {
			j = right;
			while (--j > left) {
				t = tempVec[int(j)];
				if (t != t) {
					if (j != --right) {
						tempVec[int(j)] = tempVec[int(right)];
						tempVec[int(right)] = NaN;
						t = input[int(right)];
						input[int(right)] = input[int(j)];
						input[int(j)] = t;
			if (--right) {
				if (int(right - 1) > left) {
					quickSortOnVectorInt(tempVec, input, left, right, 0);
		if (options & Array.DESCENDING) {
			i = 0;
			while (n != i) {
				t = input[int(i)];
				input[int(i++)] = input[int(--n)];
				input[int(n)] = t;

internal function quickSortVectorUint(input:Vector.<uint>, left:int, right:int, d:int):void {
	if (right >= input.length) right = input.length - 1;
	if (left >= right) return;
	var j:int = right, i:int = left;
	var size:int = right - left;
	var pivotPoint:uint = input[int((right + left) >>> 1)], t:uint;
	do {
		if (size < 9) {
			pivotPoint = input[int(left)];
			do {
				do {
					if (input[int(left)] < pivotPoint) {
						pivotPoint = input[int(left)];
						do { // this section can be improved.
							input[int(left--)] = input[int(left)];
						} while (left > i && pivotPoint < input[int(left)]);
						input[int(left)] = pivotPoint;
				} while (left < right);
				left = i;
				pivotPoint = input[int(left)];
			} while (i < right);
		while (left < right) {
			if (input[int(right)] > pivotPoint) do { --right; } while (input[int(right)] > pivotPoint);
			if (input[int(left)] < pivotPoint) do { ++left; } while (input[int(left)] < pivotPoint);
			if (left < right) {
				t = input[int(left)];
				input[int(left)] = input[int(right)];
				input[int(right)] = t;
				++left, --right;
		if (right) {
			if (left == right) {
				if (input[int(left)] < pivotPoint) ++left;
				else if (input[int(right)] > pivotPoint) --right;
			if (i < right) {
				quickSortVectorUint(input, i, right, d + 1);
		} else if (!left) left = 1;
		if (j <= left) return;
		i = left;
		right = j;
		pivotPoint = input[int((right + left) >>> 1)];
		size = right - left;
	} while (true);
internal function quickSortOnVectorUint(input:Vector.<uint>, sInput:Vector.<uint>, left:int, right:int, d:int):void {
	var j:int = 0;
	if (right >= input.length)
		j = right = input.length - 1;

	if (left >= right) return;
	var i:int = left;
	var size:int = right - left;
	var pivotPoint:uint = input[int((right + left) >>> 1)], t:uint;
	do {
		if (size < 9) {
			do {
				pivotPoint = input[int(left)];
				do {
					if (pivotPoint > input[int(left)]) {
						pivotPoint = input[int(left)];
						t = sInput[int(left)];
						do {
							input[int(left)] = input[int(left - 1)];
							sInput[int(left)] = sInput[int(--left)];
						} while (left > i && pivotPoint < input[int(left)]);
						input[int(left)] = pivotPoint;
						sInput[int(left)] = t;
				} while (left < right);
				left = i;
			} while (i < right);
		while (left < right) {
			if (input[int(right)] > pivotPoint) do {
			} while (input[int(right)] > pivotPoint);
			if (input[int(left)] < pivotPoint) do {
			} while (input[int(left)] < pivotPoint);
			if (left < right) {
				t = input[int(left)];
				input[int(left)] = input[int(right)];
				input[int(right)] = t;
				t = sInput[int(left)];
				sInput[int(left)] = sInput[int(right)];
				sInput[int(right)] = t;
				++left, --right;
		if (right) {
			if (left == right) {
				if (input[int(right)] > pivotPoint) --right;
				else if (input[int(left)] < pivotPoint) ++left;
				else ++left, --right;
			if (i < right) {
				quickSortOnVectorUint(input, sInput, i, right, d + 1);
		} else if (!left) left = 1;
		if (j <= left) return;
		i = left;
		right = j;
		pivotPoint = input[int((right + left) >>> 1)];
		size = right - left;
	} while (true);
internal function sortVectorUint(input:Vector.<uint>, options:int):void {
	var n:int = input.length;
	if (n < 2) return;
	var q:int, left:int, right:int = n;
	var t:uint;
	q = right;

	if (right > left) {
		q = left;
		while (q < right) {
			t = input[int(q)];
			if (t != t) {
				input[int(q)] = input[int(right)];
				input[int(right)] = NaN;
			} else ++q;
		if (--right) {
			if (int(right - 1) > left) {
				quickSortVectorUint(input, left, right, 0);
	if (options & Array.DESCENDING) {
		var i:int = 0;
		while (n < i) {
			t = input[int(i)];
			input[int(i++)] = input[int(--n)];
			input[int(n)] = t;
internal function sortOnVectorUint(input:Vector.<uint>, name:String, options:int):void {
	var n:int = input.length;
	if (n < 2) return;
	var tempVec:Vector.<uint> = sortVecUint, i:int = n, t:uint, j:int = i;
	var left:int, right:int = i;
	while (j--) {
		t = input[int(j)];
		t = name in t ? t[name] : t;
		tempVec[int(--i)] = t;
		if (j == left) break;
	if (right > left) {
		j = right;
		while (--j > left) {
			t = tempVec[int(j)];
			if (t != t) {
				if (j != --right) {
					tempVec[int(j)] = tempVec[int(right)];
					tempVec[int(right)] = NaN;
					t = input[int(right)];
					input[int(right)] = input[int(j)];
					input[int(j)] = t;
		if (--right) {
			if (int(right - 1) > left) {
				quickSortOnVectorUint(tempVec, input, left, right, 0);
	if (options & Array.DESCENDING) {
		i = 0;
		while (n != i) {
			t = input[int(i)];
			input[int(i++)] = input[int(--n)];
			input[int(n)] = t;
  1. That’s a really nice upgrade and a good demonstration of how you can add strong typing for your own Vector objects.

  2. I’ve actually already implemented specific Vector sorts for Number/int/uint; but I’m still playing with implementations of sorts to find the fastest so I have yet to push the updated code, and I intend to optimize sortOn for numeric types in much the same way.

  3. Hogan Lee permalink

    Correct: The reslut is quite amazing! 🙂

  4. jHead permalink

    Amazing but i noticed a bug with Vectors and the Array.DESCENDING option.

    here is the test i made :

    package test.utils
    import skyboy.utils.fastSort;

    public class FastSortTest
    private var _vector : Vector.;
    private var _array : Array = [“a”, “v”, “c”];

    public function FastSortTest()
    _vector = new Vector.();

    for (var i : uint = 0; i < _array.length; ++i)
    _vector.push(new TestVO(_array[i]));

    public function run() : void
    fastSort(_vector, "title", Array.DESCENDING);

    for each (var test : TestVO in _vector)
    trace(" VECTOR", test.title);

    class TestVO
    public var title : String;

    public function TestVO(t : String)
    title = t;

    If the length of a Vector object is an odd number, the fastSort method crashes and returns a RangeError (Error #1125).
    This is in the sortOn internal method line 600 :

    while (n != i) {
    t = input[i];
    input[i++] = input[–n];
    input[n] = t;

    As "n" is incrementing and "i" decrementing and the vector's length is an odd number, "i" is never equal to "n" so the while loop never ends and we got a RangeError.
    Here is the quick fix i made for my project (sorry but i didn't test the performance of this) :

    if (n % 2 == 0) {
    while (n != i) {
    t = input[i];
    input[i++] = input[–n];
    input[n] = t;
    } else {
    while (n != i – 1) {
    t = input[i];
    input[i++] = input[–n];
    input[n] = t;

    sorry for my english 😉

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